Conductivity / TDS / Salinity Tester is a handheld or portable instrument used to measure the electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), and salinity of a liquid sample. These parameters are essential for various applications, including water quality analysis, environmental monitoring, aquaculture, hydroponics, and industrial processes.

Conductivity / TDS / Salinity Tester  usually consists of the following components:

  1. Measurement Probe: The tester comes with a specialized probe that is inserted into the liquid sample. The probe contains two electrodes that measure the electrical conductivity of the sample.
  2. Display Screen: The tester features a digital display that shows the measured values, such as conductivity, TDS, and salinity.
  3. Calibration: Like pH meters, conductivity/TDS/salinity testers require periodic calibration using standard solutions of known values.
  4. Temperature Compensation: Conductivity measurements are sensitive to temperature changes, so most testers include automatic temperature compensation (ATC) to adjust for variations in sample temperature.
  5. Battery Power: Handheld testers are typically battery-operated for easy portability and field use.
  6. Measurement Units: Some models allow users to switch between different measurement units, such as micro siemens per centimeter (µS/cm), millisiemens per centimeter (mS/cm), parts per million (ppm), or parts per thousand (ppt).

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When selecting a conductivity/TDS/salinity tester, consider the measurement range, accuracy, calibration process, and durability, depending on your specific application and requirements.